This program creates following AWS 114 NI USA profiles in the database:
Procedure after installation:
Start/restart Schucal
Create new item and go to Own templates category and select AWS 114 NI USA.
Select the system Schuco AWS 114.
Or create Projected Top Hung window template from Windows & Doors > Window > Insert units category.
Select the system: Schuco AWS 114
As Outer Frame pick: 9626998
As Vent Frame pick: 9622791
Valid glass types are: 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 mm
Unit dimensions are to outside edge of the outer frame (TTT)

No prices for custom profiles defined.
To define the price go to General > Master data > Article management > Special articles > [article number] > List price.If you will send the SchuCal project that uses this custom definition to other Schucal user, please remember to send this update together.
After updating SchuCal with online Service Pack or reinstalling it you must install this update again.