Monthly Archive: November 2019

Schucal 2019 R2 or R3 does not start returning the error: “Database SQL: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Query ‘’ is corrupt. SQL Statement: UPDATE Systems SET Release=3 WHERE SystemID=1003”

On Tuesday Nov 13, 2019 Microsoft released an update for the Access Database Engine of Windows. Schucal is using Microsoft Access Database Engine as primary database driver and after this update it cannot be started any more returning SQL error listed above. This problem occurs only on the systems with specific Microsoft Office installed. This problem is caused by Microsoft...

Schucal 2019 R3 – Changes for US market

General Contacts:Supplements for aluminum surface finishes – fixed lengths In the Contacts dialog box, new input options for supplements for small bar lengths have been included for the system coater Schüco and for the coater templates for third-party coaters. In the conditions, new input fields are available for the following Fixed lengths under the Aluminum surface finish supplements group: <...

Schucal 2019 R3

New Schucal 2019 R3 has been published and is ready to install. This is a critical update. Please install it as soon as possible, your actual Schucal version does not sync service packs and actual price lists anymore. That makes Schucal not compatible with actual system definitions and material prices. Warning: Schucal users who have installed custom systems/profiles prepared for...