
This program adds US Hurricane configuration for AWS 65, AWS 70.HI and AWS 75.SI series with following types:

  • Fixed windows (FL # 26977) and (FL # 29717)
  • Inward opening turn tilt and casement windows (FL # 26978)
  • Outward opening casement windows (FL # 29872)
  • Outward single and double terrace doors (FL # 26357)

This version can build US Hurricane configuration for AWS 65, AWS 70.HI and AWS 75.SI configuration together with USA ADA Kickplate and Threshold available here: http://www.schucal-usa.com/category/add-ons/usa-ada-kickplate-and-threshold-for-aws75-aws70/

Download and install here:


  • Fixed and improved configuration for AWS 75.SI family.

Procedure after installation:

  1. Start/restart Schucal
  2. Create new unit in SchuCal based on the template: System Templates > 10 – Custom Systems USA > AWS Hurricane > [Choose the type]
  3. Set the glass overall thickness to 34mm
  4. Check Settings > Technical settings > US Setting > AWS US Hurricane to ON

AWS 65:

AWS 70.HI:

AWS 75.SI:

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