Tagged: Database

I am getting the error during Schucal start: The operating system is not presently configured to run this application.

In recent days Schucal can return the following error during the start: The operating system is not presently configured to run this application: This message can keep looping and cannot be closed. In this case you need to kill it in Task Manager: CTRL-ALT-DELETE -> Task Manager > select Schucal process and click End Task. Schucal software itself cannot be...

Adavntages of Schucal server database

Schucal server database is available for dedicated users working in local network or external location over VPN. Server database advantages: Projects exchange All Schucal projects are instantly accessible for all Schucal server users. It is not necessary to export/import projects to exchange the work over the office. Roles separation Each user belongs to one or more Schucal group. – Drafting:...