How to manually fix wrong intersection type of the profiles.

Schucal is automatically resolving the intercession of profiles connected at their ends. It applies standard connection types depending of profile category.

As Schucal is resolving those intersections correctly in majority of cases, is has troubles with the models where more that two profiles are intersecting at one node.

As an example lets take the roof construction where rafters are intersecting with ridge beam and hip rafters at one space node:

Bottom view:

As we can see, Schucal prioritizes Hip to Hip intersection as Miter, and connect Rafters to Hips with Butt connection.

This suppose to be reversed: Rafters shall be mitered together and Hips connected with Butt connection to them.

In such case we need to manually resolve the intersections.

Holding left CTRL key on the keyboard make group selection of one Hip and corresponding Rafter until they will both be highlighted in red. Click right mouse button:

At the bottom you will find command Modify intersection, never seen in other context. Click it.

We can see both profiles categories and its intersection types to each other.

Drop down Intersection type for Rafter:


Standard Schucal intersection types are:
Butt – (First profile is cut But at front surface of the second profile)
Continuous – (First profile ignores the surface of the second profile and continues further in the space)
Continuous abutting – (First profile ignores front surface of the second profile and is cut Butt at its back surface)
Miter – (First profile is mitered with the second one)
Semi-continuous – (First profile is cut Butt at the centerline of the second profile)
Unchanged – (First profile has no intersection type defined)

Change the connection type for Rafter to Unchanged and type for Hip to Butt. Confirm OK.

Do the same operation for second group of Rafter and Hip.

The result of this first modification step:

Now, group select the pair of Rafters and right mouse click:

Choose Modify intersection:

For both Rafter members set Intersection type from Unchanged to Miter:

The result:

Now, select the group of both Hips and set its Intersection types bor both to Butt

The result:

Now, looking at the top of the model make group selection of corresponding Hip rafter cover cap and Rafter cover cap. Set Intersection types similarly: Butt for Hip member and Unchanged for Rafter member:

The result is close to the goal, but still not satisfying:

Although Rafter cover caps have proper Intersection types set to each other (Miter-Miter), they still do not connect well in the model.

This can be caused by other Intersection type combination set in the model between Rafter cover and other member in the model. The best practice is to check all those combinations step-by-step (Rafter cover cap – Hip, Rafter cover cap – Hip cover cap, Rafter cover cap – Ridge, Rafter cover cap – Ridge cover cap, etc.)

In this example it turned out there was Butt Intersection type set between Rafter cover cap and opposite side of Hip cover cap, This could be the result of standard Schucal engine behavior:

Set this Intersection type to Unchanged. Do the same for the second pair of Rafter cover cap and Hip cover cap.

The final result reaches our goal:

The same methods can be used in every other Schucal profile combination to achieve non-standard intersection between profile categories. e.x.:

  • Changing windows glazing beads order from horizontal to vertical priority:

  • Changing intersection type for facade cover cap to Miter:

And many other variations of intersection between any connected profiles.

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