Schucal 2021 R3
New Schucal 2021 R3 has been published and is ready to install.
This is a critical update. Please install it as soon as possible, your actual Schucal version does not sync service packs and actual price lists anymore. That makes Schucal not compatible with actual system definitions and material prices.
Warning: Schucal users who have installed custom systems/profiles prepared for US market can lose these system definitions after this update.
However, projects made with these custom updates will not be removed and will stay in your Schucal database.
Immediately after Schucal 2021 R3 installation please install again all custom systems/profiles definitions that you were using in your projects BEFORE opening them in the Schucal. This procedure will preserve all custom system and let you create new ones as before.
It is also suggested to make backup of custom system/profiles based projects (Schucal tab Manage > Export data) BEFORE installing new Schucal.
If you need custom installers please send me a list with required systems so I will share the links to the latest ones.
As an summary for custom systems/profiles scenario:
- Make backup of custom system/profiles based projects (Schucal tab Manage > Export data)
- Install and start Schucal 2021 R3. Do not open projects with custom systems/profiles definitions.
- Shut down Schucal.
- Install custom systems/profiles installers if you ere using them in previous version.
- Start Schucal. Now you are safe to open existing custom projects and create new ones.
Network database users: After first run of new Schucal in network database environment it will convert the database to the new format.
After this process all other Schucal stations that were not updated yet will loose access to the database, until they are updated to this version as well.
You can download and run the cloud installer from the location:
After the start, cloud installer will ask for temporary package download location. Just click Select folder button to confirm default:

After a while you will see progress window with download time estimation:

The installer needs about 40 min (it depends of your local internet speed) to complete download and installation process.
After this phase installation process will start automatically.
In case of any troubles please contact me so I will be able to help ASAP.
Read here about Changes for US market