
This program modifies Schucal engine to allow implement AWS 114 Insert Window into FWS 50 or FWS SG Steel Look façade.

This will work with any AWS 114 Insert Window configuration:

  • Type 270 Parallel-opening window or Type 221 Projected top hung window
  • Schüco AWS 114 and Schüco AWS 114.SI
  • Vent without glass retention profile, with retention profile or with glazing bead
  • Standard or TipTronic
  • Standard or SI curtain wall configuration
  • Pressure plate or SG curtain wall
  • Alternate Steel Look mullion and standard transom, or reverse.


  • Code updated to work with T shaped mullion profiles (322560 and 322570)
  • Code updated to work with T shaped half mullion profiles with couple gaskets (326880 and 326890)


Procedure after installation:

  • Start/Restart SchuCal
  • Create/Open FWS 50 or FWS 50 SG unit
  • In unit parameters as Design, interior choose Steel look
  • Select infill in 3D model and from Opening Type choose either Type 270: Parallel-opening window or Type 221: Projected top hung window
  • Select newly created insert window to modify its parameters, including Expansion Gap

  1. AWS 114 Insert window is originally designed to be installed in standard FWS façade type with its outer frame structurally fixed into mullion and transom walls with screws.
  2. For AWS 114 TipTronic window, electrically operated, mullions must have additional cavity or cover cap attached to trace the wires from building electrical infrastructure to this window.

Sample sections:

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